Scientists who do experiments on animals are called vivsectors.
Vivsection - The act or practise of cutting into or otherwise injuring living animals, especially for
the purpose of scientific research.
Vivisectors pose with a terrified little monkey |
I wonder how funny the monkey thinks this is! |
Synonyms of vivsection include autopsy and dismemberment.
A hamster losing his tongue |
A vivisector is pulling this hamster's tongue out with tweezers |
When people are dying of cancer and other diseases like that they get morphine and other drugs to make the pain go away.
Animals, who are infected with horrible diseases, do not get any pain killers what so ever.
This mouse also has cancer |
This mouse's tumor is so big that it can't walk. |
65% of all animals that are tested on do not recieve anaesthetics.
Mousey |
This mouse is about to have its head cut open |
Mice, rats, and hampsters are also commonly used because they are cheap.
This is a mouse |
He doesn't look like a happy camper |
Bunny Eye |
Vivisectors with a monkey |
Vivisectors wear gloves so that when the scared monkey tries to defend itself they don't get hurt |
Kitty Cat |
This is a cat with an electrode protruding from its head |
90% of all tests (medicinal or other wise) that are done on animals DO NOT
help human beings in any way, shape, or form. I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but you aren't a monkey, gorilla, rat,
cat, dog, pig, horse, goat, cow, bunny, hamster, gerbil, guinea pig, other rodent, donkey, sheep, deer, ferret, marmoset,
turkey, quail, reptiles, amphibian, or other bird. So why would anything that works on them work on you? Medicines that cure
cancer in those types of animals can kill you.
This mouse has cancer |
The tumor is almost bigger than its body |
Psychological study |
This dog had its legs smashed with a hammer. No anaesthetic was used. |
Rabbits are commonly used in all types of experiments because they are docile.
Bunnies |
Check out the left bunny it doesn't have eyes |
One of the most common tests that the rabbit is forced to endure
is the Draize test. The animal's bodys are fully restrined while substances (that are usually harmful) are dripped or smeared
in their eyes (vivsectors sometimes use shaved patches of skin as well) They use rabbits for this because their tear ducts
do not produce tears they way that other animals do. The rabbits are not able to blink the substances out of their eyes.
Bunny Eye |