But WHY is it that "homosexuality has got to go"?!?!? Why should society have the right to deny a group of people
their chosen lifestyle? No one is asking YOU to be gay. No one is asking anyone to be gay! Why should society ask gay people
to be straight?
I mean, it's not like it's hurting anybody, and it's none of anyone's business, really, whether or not a person is homosexual,
bi-sexual, heterosexual or whatever. Whether two men kiss or two women hold hands is none of anyone's business.
So why does society think that it has the right to say something as disgusting as "homosexuality
has got to go"?
Let me start by educating you a little bit on the meaning of the word "homophobia":
"Homophobia" is made up of two words: 'homo' and 'phobia'.
The word 'homo' means "all of one kind".
The word 'phobia' means "an exaggerated, usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class
of objects, or situation".
Thus, the word "homophobia" as a whole means "an illogical fear of people who are attracted to the members of the same
sex (all of one kind).
I found this picture in a religious website... |
...and I have a question: if God is all about love, why did he create homosexuality for us to mock? |
I use the word 'illogical' on purpose. If you ask a person why they think that "homosexuality has
got to go", they'll tell you that "it's just wrong" or "God doesn't allow it". Think about this: If God does not allow it,
then why does it happen? I ask you, especaily those you are openly homophobic, this: Gay people take a lot of crap from people.
They are beaten, raped, tormented, and tortured....Is that the type of life that YOU would choose to live? Do you honestly
think that that is the type of life ANYONE would actually CHOOSE to live? I think not.
People who are homophobic are simply afraid of the fact that homosexuality is different from heterosexuality,
and heterosexuality has been viewed as the "proper" thing by society for so long.
So, rather than acting like the thinking, logical, highly intelligent humans that we supposedly
are, and being open-minded about it they freak out and say "it's just wrong. I refuse to cope with change and therefore
I will discriminate against this group of people and deny them the right to follow the lifestyle they wish to follow".
I also found this on a religious website... |
I have another question. Does GOD hate 'fags' or do THEY hate 'fags' and they use God as an excuse? |
"but I have hated Esau; I have laid waste his hill
country and left his heritage to jackals of the desert" Malachi 1:3
Where does this say "God Hates Fags" ?
"I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all
likewise perish" Luke 13:5
"Turn or Burn"
I think that's pretty embarrassing. If my God said
"I hate fags" or "Turn or burn" I sure as hell wouldn't be advertising. I mean please, the second one isn't even a full sentence!
I'm sorry, but this behaviour is absolutely DISGUSTING! People have no right to do this!
If somebody utters a comment that is insulting to a different religion, ethnic background, etc.,
chances are most people will frown upon it. That's because we have learned that it's not right to discriminate against
a group of people because they have a different colour of skin or follow a different religion or dress differently.
If we have learned not to discriminate against people like this, why can we not learn not to discriminate
against homosexuals? It's really not that hard!
They're different.
So come on. Face it:
You don't have to be part of the group of people that go "EEEWWW" every time they hear/see something
about homosexuality. YOU can help stop this injustice! Don't take part in hate crimes against homosexuals. Don't say rude
comments about homosexuals to other people. And, most importantly, if somebody you know is against homosexuals, try to educate
them. Tell them to stop! If people don't take a stand against homophobia, it'll go on forever.
Homosexuality has NOT "Got to go".
I think it's HOMOPHOBIA that HAS GOT TO GO!!!